Bae Systems Special Security Agreement

Bae Systems Special Security Agreement: What You Need to Know

Bae Systems, one of the world`s leading defense contractors, has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions in the aerospace and defense industry. However, like any other company in the industry, Bae Systems is subject to stringent regulations that govern the handling of sensitive information and technology.

One such regulation that Bae Systems and other US companies in the defense industry must adhere to is the Special Security Agreement (SSA). In this article, we will discuss what an SSA is and why it is crucial for companies like Bae Systems to comply with it.

What is a Special Security Agreement (SSA)?

In simple terms, an SSA is a legally binding agreement between a US company and the US government that allows the company to access and work with classified information and technology. The agreement outlines the terms of the company’s access to such information and technology and imposes certain restrictions on the company to ensure that the information and technology remain secure.

Why is an SSA important for Bae Systems?

For companies like Bae Systems, an SSA is vital because their work involves handling classified information and technology related to national security. The agreement helps ensure that the company can access and work with such information and technology in a manner that is consistent with national security interests.

An SSA also serves as a means to protect US national security interests by ensuring that companies cannot share the classified information and technology they access with foreign entities without the necessary government approvals.

What are the key requirements of an SSA?

The requirements of an SSA will vary depending on the specific agreement signed by the company and the government. However, some of the common requirements that may be included in an SSA are:

1. Establishment of a security program: The company must establish a security program that meets government requirements for safeguarding classified information and technology.

2. Security clearances for employees: All employees who will have access to classified information and technology must undergo security clearance processes and receive clearance at the appropriate level.

3. Implementation of security measures: The company must implement specific security measures to ensure the protection of classified information and technology, such as access controls, document marking, and secure storage.

4. Reporting requirements: The company must report any security breaches or incidents that may impact the security of classified information and technology to the government.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with an SSA?

Non-compliance with an SSA can result in severe consequences for a company. The government can impose sanctions, fines, and even criminal charges on individuals or the company as a whole for violations of the agreement. Additionally, the company’s access to classified information and technology can be revoked, which can have a significant impact on its ability to operate in the defense industry.


In conclusion, a Special Security Agreement is a crucial aspect of regulatory compliance for companies like Bae Systems. Complying with the agreement helps ensure that the company can access and work with classified information and technology in a manner that is consistent with national security interests. Non-compliance can result in significant consequences for the company, making it necessary to take the agreement seriously and implement all necessary measures to meet its requirements.

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