Subject-Verb Agreement Questions for Bank Po Pdf

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important grammatical rules that you must master if you want to excel in the banking sector. As a Bank PO aspirant, you might come across numerous subject-verb agreement questions in your exam. It is important to understand the fundamental rules of subject-verb agreement to answer such questions. In this article, we have compiled some subject-verb agreement questions for Bank PO PDF that will help you to practice and improve your skills.

But first, let`s understand what subject-verb agreement is all about. The subject and verb in a sentence must agree with each other in terms of number and person. That is, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular and if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. For example, “The student studies for exams” – here, the subject `student` is singular, and the verb `studies` is singular, too.

Now, let`s look at some subject-verb agreement questions for Bank PO PDF:

Question 1: Each of the students (is/are) required to submit the assignment.

Answer: is

Explanation: The word `each` is a singular pronoun. Therefore, the verb must also be singular.

Question 2: Neither the apples nor the oranges (is/are) fresh.

Answer: are

Explanation: The subject `apples` and `oranges` are plural. Therefore, the verb must also be plural.

Question 3: One of the most common animals in the zoo (is/are) the lion.

Answer: is

Explanation: The subject `one` is a singular pronoun. Therefore, the verb must also be singular.

Question 4: The policy makers, as well as the economists, (has/have) suggested a new plan.

Answer: have

Explanation: The subject `policy makers` and `economists` are plural. Therefore, the verb must also be plural.

Question 5: The team captain, along with the coach, (is/are) leading the team to victory.

Answer: is

Explanation: The subject `captain` is singular. Therefore, the verb must also be singular.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential rule of grammar that requires practice to master. By solving subject-verb agreement questions for Bank PO PDF, you can improve your skills and excel in your exams. Always remember to pay attention to the number and person of the subject and the verb to ensure that they agree with each other.

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